This Code of Ethics written by the Azteca Boxer Club, it is elaborated in agreement
by the existing codes of ethics in several clubes of other countries.
- The
members will breed only those dogs free of genetic serious faults and that they
find healthy considering seriously the quality, type, conformation and that should be free of known disqualifying faults according
to FCI Standard such as monorchids and/or Boxers with white markings that exceed one-third of the ground colour.
- Our main purpose will be
the improving
of the breed, looking to produce better Boxers and not as
a commercial venture
- When
choosing a Boxer for breeding the member must take in to consideration that Temperament
is a basic quality in The Boxer.
- The
owner of a Stud Dog would have to be careful at the moment of breeding females who do not assemble the conditions above mentioned.
- Members should
complete a stud dog contract to be signed by both parties before the mating takes place. The contract shall include
all conditions stated.
· Any bitch accepted for stud service should be at least eighteen months
old at the moment of breeding in good health, free from communicable diseases and disqualifying faults
and should not be breed more than once a year.
- The bitch
must be accompanied by a current Veterinarian's certificate stating that she is free of Canine Brucellosis.
- The Owner of the Stud Dog must
Provide the visiting bitch with appropriate housing, food and health care during the time
the bitch stay with him for breeding purposes.
- Each bitch must be bred only to the stud dog specified
by his/her owner. A change of stud dog is only permitted with the express consent of the owner of the bitch and should be
included as an amendment to the Stud Contract.
- Breeders will
keep accurate breeding papers, pedigrees and contracts..
- Breeders should encourage the X-raying,certifying
of hips, as well as other tests that can determinate conditions which would affect
the health of their dogs or the offspring of same.
- Breeders should register all their puppies at Federacion
Canofila Mexicana.
- Endeavour to help the new owners in every reasonable
- Help educate the public on the standard of the breed and care of the
Boxer in areas where they are qualified.
- Not sell Boxers to a pet store, puppy millers or
commercial kennel.
- Participate, whether they be exhibitors, handlers, judges or assistants, in
dog shows, trials and other events with honesty, fairness and integrity ever mindful of the practice of good sportsmanship.
- The members will have supreme care at the moment of proposing a new member,
not doing it if the person is not known thoroughly